Last night I did a "Grinds My Gear" blog, so today's blog will be all about Gratitude. You can't let the negativity of life get you! Once you realease it, get back to Gratitude! So now my Top Ten list of what has made me smile this week.
1. Seeing the person I love tomorrow and speding the whole weekend with them and good friends.
2. A woman's powerful Angela Davis-like Afro on the bus this morning
3. A child laughing and playing with her mother
4. Not waiting too long for the bus or train, and having my job open on time
5. The woman in 7-11 spotting me the 2 cents for my tea
6. Finding a dollar outside the 7-11 after I bought my tea
7. Listening and liking all the songs in my MP3 player
8. Realizing that I like Yoga
9. A good night's sleep
10. Feeling good an energetic all day.
Get Gratitude! Now I challenge you to find 10 things you are glad that you saw or happened to you or heard, etc... and release it to the universe. Trust, you'll feel a lot better :)
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