March 25, 2010

You're Gonna Make It After All...

(For those too young to remember, or not blessed with the early days of TV Land, the picture above is Mary Tyler Moore from her self-titled show. The late 60's early 70's sitcom was ahead of it's time, portraying a single woman in a man's workplace. Mary portrayed the quintessential renaissance woman of her time; single, independent working woman, supported by the love of her eccentric friends)

While I'm pedaling 3+ miles on the stationary bike in the gym, I came across an article in a random magazine. It talked about the rise in single women in America, and how it's changing the traditional life path. There has been a significant increase over the past 5 years in women of all cultures, races, and backgrounds either marrying later in life, or not marrying at all. Women seemed to be more career driven, and are creating and maintaining close bonds with friends, and not immediately turning to a romantic love interest. Women are more financially stable than ever (even electing to be single mothers because they have the resources), and are opting to live in more community driven areas.

It seems that OUR generation is a living, breathing experiment. With all the struggles and reforms of the last century, we're reaping its rewards. Women have a voice, and are opting to live a more fulfilled life on our terms, and not on traditions.

Reading this article could not have come at a more interesting time. I was recently with a group of close friends, and we discussed how more and more men seem to have more of a "women's mentality" when it comes to relationships, while women think more like men. And even with most people still following tradition, my close group of female friends remains...single. However, we love and embrace it. We're living the life we want, with the people we want, and even though he's a nice thought, there really is no need for "Prince Charming" right now. Come back once we've got our 401k in place and are ready to settle down.


  1. This is so on point! He is indeed a "nice thought"..for eventually that is. I love my chicks, for holding me down better than a significant other could right now. Yes, today's woman is a different breed!:)

    Oh I loved the Mary Tyler Moore show!

  2. Can i get an AMEN! LOL! Some women choose to follow men [people] and some women choose to follow their dreams...livin the dream!!
