November 13, 2012

2 Months+

Wow, its been well over 2 months since I've written something...sorry about that. So much has happened, yet I feel like not much has all at once. I have no idea where to start so this will be a hodgepodge of what my feeble brain can remember from the past six weeks or so.

I've turned another year older, (kind of) got a promotion at work, survived a tsunami warning while my friends and family survived a hurricane AND Nor'easter (back to back), [slightly] ran a 5k and made new friends.

I've learned somethings about myself; some I've taken in stride and some I can't believe. I think sometimes I'm a bit too self aware as a result becoming more and more shy. Its funny because in a room full of people I'm liable to say or do something crazy stupid for a laugh. It makes it easier for me to play the role of "that" person than to actually be myself out of the fear that I may just be a bit too odd to like. Sadly, this has not improved my flirting skills or made me more adept at delivering panty soaking one liners to girls I find attractive. I think those days may never come for me.

I've also lost my competitive edge. I realized I haven't cared about being competitive at anything in a long while. How/When did I lose this edge?! Its as if healthy competition means very little to me that I give up before I even try. I've tried to justify this as me "knowing my limits" but now I'm not too sure. I don't want to go through the rest of my life conceding things to others, I don't want to be THAT person that says "we're just here to have fun". Jeez, what's happened to that part of me?! I'm hoping that I'll get out of this phase soon because it's just not ok.

I've realized that you can only be responsible for how much you give in any relationship and that people will fall short of your expectations, even if those expectations are low to begin with. As much as I've accepted this fact it still doesn't stop it from being annoying. At this point in my life I consider myself pretty open, no subject is taboo when trying to build a connection with someone...but where to start?

It scares me sometimes that I'm the smartest person in the room. Not saying this to be a braggart, and yes I am fully aware that at times I come off as a fucking know-it-all and its annoying to me too (moreso when I'm wrong about something), but sometimes I just can't help it. Sometimes I think its a Libra thing. We think we're just sharing information, but we're coming off as pretentious pricks. I promise I will try and curb this behavior, but damn if it isn't hard when you want to have a random conversation about string theory with someone or discuss the political histories of third world countries and they have NO CLUE what you're talking about. More people need to read books.

I still hate running. I've made it to a sub 10min mile, and can run about a mile and a half without stopping. This doesn't mean I enjoy it, yet for some reason I might be signing up for another 5k in February.

I miss the Fall, but I'm looking forward to going home for a bit. The older I get the more awesome my convos with my mom become, can't wait to have some of those in person...and when we're both a bottle of wine in.

I'm lucky that my roommate and I are friendly fuckers. We meet the most interesting people (have you met a Vietnamese-Australian couple this year, who are traveling the globe before they get married? No? Ok.) and have the most interesting convos. Can't wait to see where these connections lead, lol.

I keep promising myself I'm going to write more. But what to write, I can barely keep up with this blog! Ah well, I'm sure I'll figure it out, who knows I may just write something worth reading someday, until then here are some pics of the events that have occurred since I updated this. Enjoy!

 My first 5k The Color Run was pretty awesome!

 Me as a zombie banana for Halloween. Yes it was a hit, lol.

The guys & I celebrating my birthday at my fave bar, it was memorable...from what I remember, lol

 One of my last beach days before I got my newest tattoo, I'll blog about that later

 Hiking to a waterfall

Lanikai Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world

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