A reason.
A season.
A lifetime.
I remember quiet musings and long trips
Just a glimpse
The sight of what I thought perfection must be
Just me, my music, and my thoughts
Thumbing through my text messages hoping at the same time you were doing the same
I saved up
I'm on the train this time
I really couldn't pinpoint what drew our chemistries together
Maybe it was because you reminded me of that time I was 5
And the first time I had tasted sugar cane cut straight from the Earth's underbelly
Raw and sweet
Thick and inviting
I loved it then
I loved you then
When I was 3 and realized the beauty of the daffodils in May
That was you
Open and warm
The time I was 14 and discovered the beauty of paint lines on canvas
Your body
Its curves
Its flawless hue of light brown sugar and how my hands looked like dirty clay as they caressed each and every nook
I think of the moments we didn't quite share but that added up to the moments that led us to each other
Each moment connecting to 1 million more
Till my million reached your million and our chemistry burned a million times more than that
I traveled miles for the slightest touch
The melting of my body's life center as you kissed me
Then it was over
You were my reason
That was our season
Your memory is my lifetime.
snap, snap, snappity, snap, snap!