I am fresh off my 1st official "CUS Tour" of Northern New Jersey, and I must say it was a pleasant experience. My days were filled with sisterhood, fun, jokes and love.
Needless to say I was brought back down to Earth when today I got blasted with the
news of the infamous "Swine Flu". Seriously?! Now, in my experience, whenever the U.S. news/media make a HUGE deal out of something trivial, let's say...... the flu they're usually covering up something more serious. I mean c'mon! Mexico has been ravaged by human trafficking, the influx of a 2nd generation drug war, and a devastating earthquake and we're going to focus on.......the flu?! Why, you may ask? Because is affects us close minded, egotistical Americans.
Now, I remember this one time in history class, where I learned about this Influenza Epidemic of 1918 (which was also referred to as the Spanish Flu. Hm. Interesting). Killed hundreds of thousands in the U.S. and millions worldwide. Since then, we've had the advent of the flu vaccine and other medications that can help stop the virus in its tracks. So to get people's mind of
f of the Credit Card crisis, the collapse of the automotive industry, human trafficking nationwide, the depleting value of the dollar (not only caused by the "big crash" but also by buying scrap gold. This means that our "money" is no longer worth its weight in anything, its more or less a piece of paper), and natural disasters........ we focus on a COMPLETELY treatable virus that is affecting a developing nation, which doesn't have the resources to treat its people with the medicines we have here, ONLY because we frequently travel to this nation to rape the land, and its people of their natural resources, and support and fuel their drug trade. Way to go America! We've done it again! lol. Seriously!
Its necessary to be aware and pay attention, because if you don't YOU too can fall into the panic trap!
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