May 29, 2010


Its seems recently that we're all trapped. Jobs. Friends. Family. Hobbies. The routine is getting us all down. How does one escape? Personally, I've planned my escapism for 4th of July weekend. I'm jumping out of a plane.

Ever since I was a kid I've had an obsession with jumping off of things, in hopes that maybe, just maybe, if I timed things right I could fly. Well I never flew anywhere, but I got really good at jumping off of things and learning how to land without injuring myself. Now I finally get the chance to jump off of something AND fly (even if the freefall is a short one)! I'm going with an awesome group of people, many of whom I have strong bonds with. No doubt this will make our bond even tighter, but we'll also get to escape together. A vacation where one gets to fly....I'M THERE!

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