July 26, 2010

Chivalry....its not dead

I was recently speaking to a friend about chivalry. The ancient art of woo-ing if you will. While this may be a foreign concept to some modern men (and women) it is not for all. For you see my friends, I am a classic, insufferable, by-the-book, romantic (crowd gasps in shock). Yes, the Hippy is a romantic. Such a classic idea for one who lives on the fringe of society.
I thoroughly enjoy everything about being romantic. From opening doors, sideways glances, picking up the tab, standing on the street side of the sidewalk to shield my courtier from the freak oncoming traffic, its all such beautiful dance to me. I don't like to "chase" or "play games", but I will court all day long (if given the chance). There's something excited, sexual and intellectual about the process of courting. Irish writer Laurence Stearne described it as:

It takes just the right amount of suggestion, timing and attention to detail to make a courtship fun and interesting, and in the end the inevitable reward is always well worth it. So the next time you decide to pursue someone, instead of going for the quick kill, trying being chivalrous, it later becomes the measure by which the person you are seeking may judge all others.

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