Now that I've introduced you to my new favorite site,, its time for me to elaborate on how beneficial it can be for people in the Greek community. Once you become a member of a Greek letter organization you instantly acquire a new family; one you've pledged your allegiance to until your dying day (or at least until you go inactive). The cool thing about this family is that they're spread out all over the country, so whether you want to head to Florida for a long weekend, welcome back your brother/sister from their time in Iraq at their base in Colorado, or just roadtrip to visit the newest chapter in the Midwest, you will always have a place to crash and your own personal tour guide. Imagine all that..... on a global scale.
That's exactly what Tripping provides. While you may not be members of the same organization, you are members of the same global traveling community.Tripping allows its members to interact through various networks on its site. These networks are broken down by common interests and allows members to get a feel for one another before committing to a meet up. Don't have the space to host? That's cool, you can still make a new friend and show them all the cool stuff about YOUR city that tourists would never get to see. As "meet-up" sites become popular the country over, Tripping adds a cool twist by letting its members dictate their experiences.
If you're a member of a Greek letter organization this experience will remind you of the "happier" times of pledging, the parts where you get to get far far away and experience new things. Don't forget to sign up for FREE at and tell them that Jasmind sent you!
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