I have recently purchase "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel. I read briefly about this book when I read, then re-read "The Secret". Basically, the book is a guide on how to utilize the Law of Attraction as well as other Universal Laws to bring about happiness and peace in one's life. Now, I don't expect to find all of life's answers in this book, but hey its a step :). I'm really looking forward to ingesting the book mentally to gain a better perspective. I have not been in the best of moods lately, I'll spare the personal reasonings, and as usual I go through my typical crisis of conciousness. Struggling to understand why I am feeling a certain way and how to fix it to become a happier person. Honestly, thinking about how I can be better gets to be way to much. Then I get caught in a cycle of loathing my thinking. Strange I know, but its just how my little brain works. So, as usual, I get tired of being unhappy and unfulfilled. Let's hope "The Master Key System" will help break that. While "The Secret" defintely opened my eyes and mind, maintaining the positive thought process is a daily struggle. Yeah, still working on it.
I also recently saw an interview with Eckhart Tolle author of "The Power of Now" & "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose".
In case you didn't know, the latter book has been officially accepted into Oprah's Book Club and has been critcally acclaimed. While watching the interview, he said something that sounded so right; "Forget the ego". Hmmm? The ego is what causes the stream of conciousness to being and start the I'm always right cycle, which we humans are known for. This is what helps drive our anxiety, stress and unhappiness. "Forget the ego". If only I could do it so simply. Learning to live in the now and forgetting the ego will now become a personal & spiritual goal for me. I've been told all my life I am meant to be great. I believe it. Maybe this will help me achieve it.

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