I've had two of the most amazing weekends of my life back to back. I know that's a rather bold statement to make, but it's true. There are points in your life where you can pinpoint where a moment, experience, or person that changes you. I've had these moments before, but I think these weekends were the first in my "real" adult life where I felt a turning point.
The first weekend consisted of pure mayhem and fun in Miami (even though I came off the trip feeling a little bothered by pesky incidences). The second weekend entailed skydiving 13,500ft above the Earth, up-all-night philosophical discussions about post-apocalyptic "hypothetical" situations, and relaxing in Central Park. Somewhere in these two weeks I was reminded of the fleeting nature of Life and how important it is that we extend each moment.
The Buddah was once asked What is Nirvana? Nirvana is simply a place, in time, where you are living it, and being in the moment. Being the experience. I was present for every major moment that I had......and it felt good. I came back feeling refreshed and more knowledgeable about myself and my surroundings.
Deciding to just go for it and see what happens. I have all the confidence in myself and my abilities, and am truly grateful for the people I surround myself with. I am truly living each day as a new start....all thanks to taking a risk.
love it...and love u