March 10, 2012

The 2012

Its hard to know where to begin this blog, but just know that its timing is purposeful. I guess a good place to start any story is at the beginning, Well, if you've every browsed through this blog you that I constantly struggle to find a harmonic balance in my life ( I am a Libra after all). Once you've past your mid-twenties and you aren't married, have kids, or working on that 2nd or 3rd degree you can feel a bit stagnant. To say that I felt stagnant is an understatement. I've been wanting a drastic change in my life for quite sometime, but never seemed to get it together to do so, until mid-2011. After months of getting my things together, researching, saving money, and finally saying goodbye to loved ones, I hit the road.
As I type this, I sit in the state of Arizona less than 2 hours away from tomorrow's adventure: The Grand Canyon. For the past week and a couple days I've been driving across these United States with a very close friend of mine simply because we can. Hitting that plateau does something to a young psyche, and usually drastic scary change is the only way to get out of the rut.
The culmination of this trip ends with a permanent move to an island in the Pacific (romantic, I know) and in a sense I still don't know how to feel. The whole experience has seemed very out of body, yet awesome at the same time. I guess that has a lot to do with the fact that I placed NO expectations on anything. If one night ends with a 3am rave, and another ends with eating Butterfingers in a hotel room at 8:00pm on a Saturday, so be it. I just want to be in the world, experience life as it comes. I've seen so much already and I can't wait to see more.
I feel overwhelmed with it all, but in a very zen way (if that even makes sense). So much has and hasn't happened all at the same time, and I don't know if I can eloquently write how I feel about it. Of course all the typical worry wort things cross my mind, and I have been keeping more to myself, but I think its my way of analyzing everything, or maybe it's a part of growing up.

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