March 30, 2010

The Pink Elephant

Today, international Latin pop star Ricky Martin FINALLY came out of the closet admitting that he's gay. As if we weren't tipped off by the adoption of twin boys who were born via a surrogate mother, or his impeccable style, charming good looks and lack of a long-time female companion. Yep, Ricky is finally out and I couldn't be happier for the man. As he says he's "fortunate" to be who he is and live the life he does. Honestly, who wouldn't want to be Ricky Martin! He's got it all! Fame, fortune, kids, throngs of women.....and men who throw themselves at him. But what about the musical artists who have not yet reached Ricky's life peace? The one's still trapped in the glass closet. This blog is for them, the other pink elephants:

Flo Rida
Flo Rida is "homothug" 100% The hyper masculine persona, the infectious pop/dance music, the color coordination and the can he NOT be gay?! Ja Rule...who?

Alicia Keys
Coveted as the top lesbian trophy wife for nearly a decade...A. Keys' androgynous beginnings helped fuel her rumor mill. From AG to Femme, she's come a long way, and man oh man is she sexy! She's not fooling me with this whole "Swizz Beatz" thing, or Common.

Queen Latifah
I love me some Queen Latifah. Cool, calm, sophisticated, funny, tough, caring....never lands a man in any of her films....yep, I think she qualifies! lol. While she was every Studs role model in Set It Off, the Queen has since matured into a PowerLesbian, one of the highest positions a gay woman can attain in entertainment. Keep it up Queen, you're an inspiration to thick lesbian women everywhere.

Tyler Perry
Its clear that Mr. Perry's sensitivity to family issues of abuse, poverty, and faith has given him the tools to empower Black religious gays all over. You can tell he's paid attention to the world around him, and is always at an internal struggle with God and the flesh. I applaud you're abilities to tackle tough issues Mr. Perry, but please show God-fearing Christians that's its okay to be who you exceptions!

Now, I'm not saying that the above mentioned artists are in fact, gay. I'm simply stating my opinions as a gay person. I've been deep in the lifestyle for years now, and when your gaydar goes off you listen. A large part of me wishes some of these uber talentened and influential people were gay (excluding Flo Rida). It would show America, and various minority communities, that it doesn't matter who you love or how you live your life, as long as its the life you want to live. Life is too short to be continuously judged and degraded based on concepts that one cannot change.

"Life is too short to live closed up, guarding what you say,''--Ricky Martin

March 25, 2010

You're Gonna Make It After All...

(For those too young to remember, or not blessed with the early days of TV Land, the picture above is Mary Tyler Moore from her self-titled show. The late 60's early 70's sitcom was ahead of it's time, portraying a single woman in a man's workplace. Mary portrayed the quintessential renaissance woman of her time; single, independent working woman, supported by the love of her eccentric friends)

While I'm pedaling 3+ miles on the stationary bike in the gym, I came across an article in a random magazine. It talked about the rise in single women in America, and how it's changing the traditional life path. There has been a significant increase over the past 5 years in women of all cultures, races, and backgrounds either marrying later in life, or not marrying at all. Women seemed to be more career driven, and are creating and maintaining close bonds with friends, and not immediately turning to a romantic love interest. Women are more financially stable than ever (even electing to be single mothers because they have the resources), and are opting to live in more community driven areas.

It seems that OUR generation is a living, breathing experiment. With all the struggles and reforms of the last century, we're reaping its rewards. Women have a voice, and are opting to live a more fulfilled life on our terms, and not on traditions.

Reading this article could not have come at a more interesting time. I was recently with a group of close friends, and we discussed how more and more men seem to have more of a "women's mentality" when it comes to relationships, while women think more like men. And even with most people still following tradition, my close group of female friends remains...single. However, we love and embrace it. We're living the life we want, with the people we want, and even though he's a nice thought, there really is no need for "Prince Charming" right now. Come back once we've got our 401k in place and are ready to settle down.

March 24, 2010

Social Masturbation

If you're like me (its ashame you aren't because I'm awesome), then your social calendar is probably pretty full. I recently thought about it, and my LIFE is booked until summer. My day consists of 8-9hrs of work, 2hrs of sorority work, 1 1/2hrs at the gym, 1 hr cooking, 1 hr meetings/conference, 2hrs writing (depending on the day) and 1hr total traveling to and from work....oh and I some point...and did I mention while I work I am continually texting and twittering?? Yep, I am one stimulated individual! So where does this whole social life come in? 90% of the time I dedicate my weekends or random weekdays (what's left of them) to my family and friends. With all this interaction how do I find myself?! Surely not on my impromptu trip to Michigan in a couple of weeks (which I am excited for), or writing a draft or proposal for something.
I'm not complaining about my life, I'm actually embracing it. I'm lucky to be busy and I am quite the multi-tasker. Just FYI, if you need me, get in touch with my secretary :)

March 11, 2010

Grinds My Gears...Work Edition

You know what really Grinds my Gears? Those idiots at work that play Farmville at work all day. Thanks to those jerk-offs, I've had Facebook and Twitter officially blocked at work! Really? We couldn't close out that window when the boss comes around? I mean do some actual work for a few hours before you blatantly waste the day away. You have no one to blame but yourself for those idiotic and selfish actions, and now the rest of us productive workers (who's sanity was saved by the occasional Facebook surfing and random tweet updates) have to suffer communist style. Thanks douche bags, you will feel my wrath at the corporate meeting.

The Twitter Book Project

Twitter. It helps you express what's on your mind in 140 characters...or less. This phenomenon has led to inventive ways of spelling, people pouring out their random streams of conciousness, and... The Twitter Book Project.
I started the project because I have the best group of friends anyone could possibly have, and we say some pretty entertaining things. One day I threw out the idea of compiling all of our witty statements into a book that hopefully one day people will read......and think we're actually funny. The first step in making that dream a reality is The Twitter Book Project. I'm actually having fun adding onto this thing multiple times a week. Just fair warning, we're here, we're weird, get used to it :)

March 5, 2010

Come onnnnnn down! You're the next contestant!

Today I overslept. If you don't know me, then you wouldn't know how much I HATE being late! It just throws off my whole day. So I ate some breakfast, and watch a little mid-morning TV while waiting the 45mins for my next train. After Maury concluded, I checked out the Price is Right! I hadn't watched the show in years (I'm very partial to Bob Barker), but decided to indulge.

The contestants on this show look like some of the happiest people in LIFE! I don't know what it is. Could they all be excited to win a brand new car? Just be seen on TV? Meet Drew Carey? Or excited that they might get the chance to play PLINKO or get the $1.00 square when they spin the big wheel? I have no clue, but their energy and optimism was infectious. From then on I turned my whole day around, as if I was the chick who had rolled all 5 dye to the car side on the Let 'em Roll game on the first try.

Live each day like its your last? No. Live each day as if you're on The Price is Right!

March 2, 2010

Grinds My Gears...Winter Edition


You know what really Grinds My things. In particular, new Greek lettered organizations. Its 2010 and there are orgs that are less than 10 years old confusing and crowding the Greek pool. Now I know what you're thinking; "There was a time when YOUR organization was new too and someone probably felt the same way", and to you I would reply.. "mind your damned business!" lol. You are right to have that opinion, however, during the time my organization was created, there was a dire need for representation of a marginalized group of women. Hence, building a foundation that has endured over the past 30 years, and will continue to thrive for many more. 

In the last 10 years...what has been the dire need? We have had the ENTIRE world at our fingertips for nearly since the early '90s, and you mean to tell me NO OTHER organization grabbed your attention?! Hogwash! There's an organization for everyone and everything: Blacks, Latinos, Blacks/Latinos, Whites, Chinese, Southeast Asian, West Indian, LGBT, European, Multicultural...the list goes on. Yet we STILL have schools sprouting up organizations that claim they bring a "new perspective" or "revolve around the individual." Again, I say: Hogwash! 

You're confusing eager young freshman and school administration! You have no idea what it is like to build, nuture, and expand a niche organization across the country amidst the stigmas and rumors that plague the Greek community. Therefore, you decide to "make your own" to offer a choice?! On what grounds?! I can assure you that what you are striving for already exists. Do your research and join the fight, you're only hurting yourself and the rest of us by creating another version of something that already exists.

.....And that's what Grinds My Gears.