July 20, 2010

Philosophical Rant: Summer Edition.

I had a Twitter debate last night (well...not a debate more of me stating my position and my followers wanting an explanation) about, of all things, Feelings and Love. Here's the tweet that started it all:

When u love something so much, u can't imagine life without it, let it go. Releasing love that deep to the Universe is a precious gift.
Of course the natural response was: "how do you figure this?" Here was my response:

Love is the ultimate feeling of attachment, ultimate frequency, highest plane, etc.. For ur being to have that much energy inside it U have to share that energy. Let go of it. U can let go of the energy and not physically let go of what ur attached to However that energy makes u feel, u have to make others feel it. Now if u do physically unattch urself from the thing that makes u happy All of THAT energy is transferred to another being. All great love stories involve the loss or giving away of that love What remains and causes the 2 wholes to come back together is that they never left the same frequency. U'll always have that love together.

*Forgive the typos, I had a lot to say and only 140 characters per tweet*

Love is all about Energy. All the good emotions that come from feeling Love, is all Energy that gets released. Positive energy begets positive energy, negative energy begets negative energy.  After a little more reflection I began thinking; "what makes you feel 'connected' to someone else?" I know I'm not the only person to wonder why they feel so attached to someone, why you click so well with someone else and why, no matter how much you try, you continue to think of them when they are physically not around. Why the energies between two people mesh better than the energies from others? Once you've felt the connection, why do we fight so hard to never let it go with some people, but are so flippant with others?
Hopefully this Summer I'll find out.

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